Eagle Scout Project
In the summer of 2020, I set out on a journey to earn the rank of Eagle Scout completing my 11-year-long scouting journey by undertaking a construction project to benefit my local elementary school. As this project was completed during Covid, there were many concerns at that time about conducting class with social distancing. I was tasked with leading a group of volunteers to construct a trail within the school grounds, which the students could utilize during class, as well as renovating the exterior of the garden shed -specifically the door and the addition of window boxes.
It was phenomenal to hear that the kids were enjoying the trail. It really makes the school grounds feel a lot bigger, and it was completed during a time when the outdoors was an integral space for learning. The shed renovations also turned out very well and careful consideration was given to the longevity of the door and windowboxes. The door was constructed from two sandwiched pieces of T-111 plywood glued and screwed together along with z-braces, and the window boxes were made from AZEK which is a plastic wood substitute so that they will last for many years without rotting through.